Free Online Parenting Classes

Parenting is a challenging role to play and this is why you need to enrol in free online parenting classes to help you sail through with ease. Are you a parent needing suggestions on how to train your child? Then read this article.

Every parent wants to raise their child(ren) well and this is why society frowns at parents when their children misbehave. Parenting requires a whole lot. You must constantly keep your child(ren) as your number one priority.

Right from the moment they are born, till they become adults you are expected to care for them, feed them, clothe them, provide basic education, teach them good morals, correct them when they make mistakes, help them get back on their feet, help them make decisions. The list is endless.

The truth is, parenting is hard work but it is also one of the most rewarding jobs. So, if you want to raise your kids the right way with ease, you should sign up for these free online parenting classes which we will be talking about in this blog post. Before we dive in fully, let’s look at what parenting classes are all about.

What are Free Online Parenting Classes?

Free online parenting classes are classes that help parents properly train their children. In these parenting classes, parents are provided with the necessary tools and materials to raise their kids in modern and good ways.

Parents are allowed to share their experiences and proffer solutions to whatever challenges they encounter raising their kids. Parents who enroll in parenting classes will find parenting easy, sweet, and rewarding. You will also find out that it is not always right to be a controlling type of parent. Rather, become a loving type of parent which will help you raise your kids to respect and love you.

Free Online Parenting Classes

Best 10 Free Online Parenting Classes

  1. The Science of Parenting
  2. Advanced Parenting Skills
  3. The 7 Most Common Parenting Mistakes
  4. Baby Sleep Solutions
  5. Expert Advice For Parents
  6. Paediatric First Aid
  7. Applied Behavioural Analysis
  8. Child Care – Health and Safety
  9. Early Childhood Attachment Parenting
  10. Childcare and Nutrition

1. The Science of Parenting

There is a reason this particular free online parenting course is top on our list. First-time moms and dads need to sign up for this online parenting class. In this course, you will learn that parenting is a science. You will find out why babies behave the way they do, how to breastfeed, diet, how to detect autism, vaccination, behavior genetics, etc.

This free online course will expose you to everything you need to know about your child right from birth. The course is available on edX and it is self-paced. Just take your time and learn the science of parenting in this beautiful course. To enroll, click on the link below.

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2. Advanced Parenting Skills

Second, on our list of free online parenting classes is “Advanced Parenting Skills”. In this free course, you will learn how to relate with your kids in a way that will strengthen the bond between you and them. Parenting is quite tasking and this course is designed to help you train your kids with ease.

You will learn to inculcate core values to your kids and raise them properly while showing them the love they need. You will learn to tell how and why children behave like they do. To enroll, click on the link below.

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3. The 7 Most Common Parenting Mistakes

This free online parenting course is designed to teach parents the common mistakes they make when raising a child. There are times when your child(ren) behaves in a certain way and you wonder if you did something wrong. Well, in this course you will find the answers to those questions and so much more.

You will learn how to raise a happy and productive child. Join this free course on Udemy and raise your child(ren) properly. To enrol, click on the link below.

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4. Baby Sleep Solutions

I bet every new mom and dad would love to enrol for this free online parenting course! We all know babies cry a lot at night robbing you of a good night’s rest and you keep wondering what the problem is. Well, there is a solution to that in this course.

You will learn how to make your baby an excellent night sleeper and the techniques to apply to make your baby have a good sleep. The course contains a video showing you all you need to know to help your child sleep better. To enrol, click on the link below.

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5. Expert Advice For Parents

Number five on our list of free online parenting classes is “Expert Advice For Parents”. In this free course, you will learn how to help your children eat healthy foods, share their toys with their friends, and other important habits.

This free parenting course is available on Udemy and its tutor is a clinical psychologist who specialises in child psychology. You can enrol by clicking on the link below.

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6. Paediatric First Aid

Sixth on our list of free online parenting classes is “Paediatric First Aid”. As a parent, you wear the hat of a nurse or a doctor whenever your child is sick or hurt. This free parenting course will equip you with the basic knowledge of administering first aid to children and infants.

You will learn how to administer CPR, explain the signs of acute illnesses, explain what to do when your child has a cold and tell the effects of minor and major injuries. To enrol for this parenting class, click on the link below.

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7. Applied Behavioural Analysis

This free online parenting course is specifically designed for parents and guardians whose children/wards are autistic. In this course, you will learn the techniques used in training children with autism. It is important to note that taking care of children with autism can be stressful but hey, you will scale through if you enrol for this course.

You will learn to apply ABA in improving the cognitive skills of your autistic child. Remember that every child is beautiful and unique. To enrol for this course, click on the link below.

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8. Child Care – Health and Safety

At the eighth spot on our list of free online parenting classes is “Child Care – Health and Safety”. Taking care of children can be draining, but enrolling in this free course will make you take care of your kids easily. This free course teaches parents how to care for children and keep them safe from harm.

As parents, you wear the hat of a guardian angel. This course is well-detailed in techniques of keeping your children safe and you will be able to tell when your child is abused or going through a difficult time. The course is available on Alison and you can sign up for free by clicking on the link below.

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9. Early Childhood Attachment Parenting

We all know parenting is demanding and sometimes can be frustrating. Especially when you’ve had a baby and everyone keeps telling you what to do and whatnot. This free online parenting course is designed to teach new parents how to care for their babies.

You will learn that skin-to-skin contact helps to improve your baby’s brain development. You will also learn the advantages of exclusive breastfeeding and the history and importance of attachment theory. To enrol for this course, click the link below.

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10. Childcare and Nutrition

Number ten on our list of free online parenting classes is “Childcare and Nutrition”. We all know children love eating sweet things and detest veggies. In this free course, you will learn how to make your child eat healthy foods and the type of foods to give your kids.

By the end of the course, you will learn the effects of eating unhealthy foods, what causes malnutrition and weight loss and how child development can be affected by lack of nutritional foods.


Parenting is a tough role to play. This is why we have compiled a list of free online parenting classes to assist you in becoming a good parent. The courses are not only for parents but for all lovers of children. You can also sign up for free online time management courses.


By Centia

I'm an SEO content writer, a blogger, and a mom.

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