Free Online Books For Third Graders

Are you a third-grade teacher or parent of a child in third grade? Here are free online books for third graders compiled in this blog post. With these books, you can gain easy access to books to read to your third graders and also encourage them to read on their own which aids in their development.

A third-grader is between the ages of 8-9 years old and at this age, they are curious about a lot of things and want to learn them as well. This is an opportunity to feed them age-appropriate books like the free online books for third graders compiled here either by reading to them or letting them read on their own.

Reading is a fun way for third graders to learn about a lot of things and also gain many benefits in the process such as learning to read, which, according to the Annie E. Casey Foundation (AECF) says is critical to a child’s success in school, life-long earning potential, and their ability to contribute to the nation’s economy and its security. All these just by being able to read by third grade.

Reading will also help develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills as well as improve their cognitive abilities. So, if you are a third-grade teacher or a parent of a child in third grade start encouraging these kids to read, not just read any book but age-appropriate ones like the free online books for third graders compiled here.

Aside from helping teachers and parents get easy access to online books for their third-grade student or child, this blog post was also put together to help you know the websites where you can find free online books for third graders. It, therefore, presents the opportunity for us to direct you to our compiled list of free online books for toddlers and free online books for 10 to 12-year-olds.

Having said that, let’s dive into the main topic.

Free Online Books For Third Graders

Free Online Books for Third Graders

Third-grade teachers and parents! Here are the free online books for third-grade pupils:

1.     My Wild Life

My Wild Life is a free online book for third graders that will teach them about wild animals and also help them learn sounds and spelling of ere, ear, ier, air, are in a fun way. The book can either be downloaded or read online, whichever one you choose is free.


2.     The Mood Crew – Emotional Intelligence for Elementary School Children

The Mood Crew is a free online book designed to help children improve their emotional intelligence as they connect with different emotions through worksheets, coloring, dialogue, and exercises. Each emotion is identified with a different member of the Mood Crew so children can identify better.

Once children learn when they are feeling certain emotions they can be taught how to improve their mood when identifying with an undesirable emotion or recall a more desirable emotion to feel it more often. This is an awesome book to develop empathy in third graders.


3.     Peepre in the Postbox – the story of a letter

Peepre is an ant and one day, he wanders out onto a lead that blows him into a post box and there his adventures begin. This book illustrates how letters get to their destination but in a fun way that third graders can enjoy.


4.     Tug of War – a fable

Tug of War is a story that takes place in the animal kingdom. It is about Turtle boasting to other animals that he was friends with the biggest animals in the jungle and he is just as strong as them, this includes Elephant and Hippopotamus. And then one day, the Elephant and Hippopotamus happened to hear what Turtle was going around saying but they laughed and called him tiny.

Turtle, upon hearing this becomes very mad and sets out to find Elephant and Hippopotamus to show them just how strong he is so that they can make him their friend.


5.     I Love My Planet – Child-Friendly Conservation Guide

This book is designed to teach children how to keep the planet safe and instill in them early conservation practices. They are the leaders of tomorrow, after all, and sooner or later, the responsibility of keeping the planet safe will fall on their laps so it is best to start teaching them early.


6.     The Christmas Goblin and the Elfling

The Christmas Goblin and the Elfling is a fun storybook for third graders. The story is about a naughty Christmas goblin that is trying to steal the Christmas gift but the Elfling catches wind of it and is trying to outsmart him. Find out who is the smartest!


7.     Unathi and the Dirty, Smelly Beast

Unathi and the Dirty, Smelly Beast is a fun creative picture book that tells the story of a mysterious dirty smelly beast following Unathi home. The book is designed to help third graders start reading and learn common words with help by using colorful and fun illustrations along with repetition of words and rhyme to enable kids to understand and remember the words with ease.


8.     50 Facts About Mountain Goats, Bighorns, Sheep, and Pronghorns

This is an opportunity for third-graders to start learning about animals and this time, in a fun way. We all agree that facts are fun, aren’t they? This book will also improve their pronunciation of these animals, know the difference between them since they are almost similar in appearance, and know the sounds they make.


9.     Forward to the Moon

Forward to the Moon is one of the free online books for third graders. It is from NASA and it is designed to stimulate an interest in kids concerning careers in space like astronauts. The awesome thing about this book is that it describes space flight without big grammar but rather in basic words that kids will find easy, fun, and exciting to comprehend.


10.  Billy Boy Comes Home

Billy Boy Comes Home is a story of a failed sheepdog that escaped from the farm and found himself in a home for hounds looking for his forever home. Will Billy Boy find a new home with loving people? Read to find out!


11.  Our Land – Stop Ocean Debris!

This is another free online book for kids designed to create awareness about littering the ocean. Third graders will learn that it is bad to litter the ocean with debris and it will make them more aware of their surroundings and appreciate nature.


12.  Don’t Be A Bully – Be Nice

This is a book for third-graders to promote anti-bullying and suppress it at a young age. It will teach them the values of being nice and not discriminating against anyone. All of these and more it teaches in a fun, exciting way to third graders.


13.  Bruce Larkin’s Favorite Jokes

Humor is important in children’s development and liven up the mood in class or at home. Bruce Larkin’s Favorite Jokes will help third-graders understand what a joke is and be able to tell it apart from normal conversations. It will also promote creativity in third-graders to come up with jokes on their own.



Whether you are a teacher, parent, or guardian of a third-grader, these books here are perfect for them. I handpicked them and ensured they were all age and grade-appropriate books that were safe to read online or download. You can read to your child and also encourage them to read on their own as well.


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